Funders and Sponsors
We are so grateful to the following companies, trust funds and other sponsors who support our work
Ongoing running costs
- Scheinberg Family- Salary funding for MWDW Education Programme (50%)
- Manx Lottery Trust- Salary Funding for MWDW Education Programme (50%)
- Sea-Changers- Sea Watches at the Sound
- Anonymous member donation for rental costs for 2025 (full calendar year)
- Scrumbles Pet Food– Smudge & Friends Limited
- Tesco – Staff charity of choice for Peel – £1,000
Corporate Sponsorship
Utmost International- ‘Mighty Minke Whale’ sponsorship
Support for research vessel:
- Scheinberg Family
- Navionics
Ongoing running costs
- Pacific Funds International– donation
- The Big Splash -funding for school’s education programme
- Mannin media- reduced cost for spotter guide print-run
- Sure- ongoing broadband costs for visitor centre
Support for the MWDW show:
- The Isle of Man Steam Packet Company
- Tesco Groundwork Bags of Help
- The Welbeck Hotel
Support for research vessel:
- The Scheinberg Family – engine repairs and ongoing annual maintenance
- IOM Harbours- concessionary mooring fees
- Unique Fire – servicing of fire extinguishers
- Navionics- electronic nav charts
- Yesss Electrical
- Jacksons Metal Merchants
Ongoing running costs
- UNESCO Biosphere- The Manx Nature Show
- Scheinberg Family- Salary funding for MWDW Education Programme (50%)
- Manx Lottery Trust- Salary Funding for MWDW Education Programme (50%)
- Sea-Changers- Sea Watches at the Sound
- Appleby- General running costs
- Sure-Ongoing broadband for MWDW visitor centre
Support for research vessel:
- Scheinberg Family- Maintenance costs
- IOM Harbours-consessionary mooring fees
- Unique Fire Protection- servicing of fire extinguishers
- Navionics- electronic nav charts
- Yesss Electrical
- Jacksons Metal Merchants
- Macro Metal Services
- Panel Craft
- Pokerstars – rental costs for 10 months
- Aston International
- Sure-ongoing broadband for Visitor Centre
Support for research vessel–
- DEFA Laboratory
- Jacksons Metal Merchants
- Navionics
- Unique Fire
- City Plumbing
Ongoing running costs
- Anonymous donation from a Private Family Trust Fund
- Isle of Man Self Catering Owners Association
- Sure- ongoing broadband costs
Support for research vessel-
- IOM Harbours- concessionary mooring fees
- Alps Alpine Europe- Replacement marine loudspeaker grilles
- Unique Fire – servicing of fire extinguishers
- Navionics- electronic nav charts
- Yesss Electrical
- Jacksons Metal Merchants
- Macro Metal Merchants
Ongoing running costs
- Sure (broadband for our visitor’s centre)
- Department for Enterprise (audio equipment for the centre and contribution towards re-print of Spotters Guides)
- The Cafe at The Sound (ongoing partnership)
- Grenaby Studios (re-print of Spotters Guides)
Support for research vessel:
- IOM Ports Authority -Winter pontoon berth
- Navionics (electronic nav charts)
- Yesss Electrical
- Unique Fire
- Jacksons Merchants
- Macro Metal Services
- City Plumbing
Ongoing running costs
- Culture Vannin
- Isle of Man Steam Packet Company
- The Gough Richie Charitable Trust
- The Cafe at the Sound
- 2018 Year of our Island
- Marsh Christian Trust
- Manx Lottery Trust
- Skywind Group
- Sure
Sponsor MWDW
Are you, or your company able to offer us any kind of support? We would love to hear from you.