Outreach Events
During the summer months, our travelling information stall pops at various events such as carnivals and shows. These events are the ideal platform to engage with the public about our work. We share sightings, information and spotting tips and sell merchandise to raise funds

Sea watches at the Sound
Our Sea Watches at the Sound are a popular meet up point for our members and anyone who has an interest in our work. They take place between April and September at the Sound, the Isle of Man’s most southerly point. We use this location as it is a hot-spot for whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals and sometimes basking sharks. We often collaborate with Manx BirdLife and see a plethora of marine and coastal birds passing by.
At the Sound there is a café with a large carpark and the location is popular with coach and cruise tours. Everyone is welcome to join in, have a chat with the team and borrow some binoculars.
Our 2023 and 2024 Sea Watches at the Sound are sponsored by Sea-Changers and dates can be found on the Events Calendar.
We offer talks to interest groups, clubs and associations for adults. Our talk covers the species we can see here and how to spot them. It lasts around 45 minutes, and we ask for a speaker fee of £30.

Other events
From time to time, we organise our own large-scale events to raise awareness and funs for MWDW. Previous events include the Manx Whale and dolphin Watch Show 1 in 2018 and 2 in 2022, which saw life-size inflatable whales and dolphins take over the Villa Marina. Such events are a lot to organise for a small group such as ours, so they only happen on occasion.